martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010


Well, when the things aren’t good, I consider completely valid manifest. In general the student like reasonable people and with fresh mentality they feel that can get changes and them voice will be to listen. In Chile, the strike are mainly for social discontent and the reason can be several: low wages, problems in the health system, conflict with indigenous communities or the deficient educational system. In 2006 occurred the “Revolucion Pinguina”. Here, the student in Chile, mainly in Santiago protested for the bad education above all in the school. Was a phenomenon, and was known in many countries in the exterior. In the municipal school, the colors of uniform are white and dark blue or navy blue like a penguin, and definitely was a revolution. They achieved many things, but yet there are things must change.
In this time, the reasons for strike have been expanded. The people are interested in environmental topic too. Chile is a wonderful country with many resources like water, wind, minerals, soils, and other. The use of these resources generally brings conflicts between the companies and communities. The people have become aware on the importance in the care of the resources. Recently, I was in the manifestation about “Punta de Choros”. This place is a Sanctuary of Nature. I don’t know it, but I want to go some day, and don’t want to find pollution over there.  
Lately in the university too there are many manifestation and strike. Sometimes I am agree, but I considerer that a strike isn’t the best option.    

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