martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

I would be like Ricardo Astorga

Uuuuu!! I think than one of my dreams is can be anthropologist and to travel around the world, for to know differents cultures, mistics and legendary.  I really would like it because I love to travel, and I would be happy with my backpack  in shoulder. I think I would enjoy this job, cause I like the nature and I think I have empathy with the different people. Also, is interesting to me to learn new languajes and other life forms. But just I would be satisfied if I can to do something for those comunities. I would like to work with my knowledge and experience of field to improve the life of the people.
I know one person than devote his time to this: Ricardo Astorga. I hate him!!!
Other job than I really would like, is to be actress or theater director. But, the way of theater is very difficult in Chile, cause if you don’t have money, the things are very sad, cause you depend of many factor for can be have money. However, is a wonderfull job. I would like to teach theatre to the child, or anybody who want to learn.  I know many people than spend his time in this and they are great people. I feel than this is a process for to learn and for to teach.
And, the true is than I feel than in some moment of my life I will be actress or I could to teach to many people some techniques than I have learned in my short life.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi xica!!

    I hate Ricardo Astorga too jajaja, becuase hi has the best job!!

    I love you!!!

  2. I agree with you, the job Ricardo Atorga is very good, he have much lucky!!
